Sunday, 8 August 2010

Peoples Assembly recipe.Network it.

This received a consensus from the Peoples Assembly on Saturday 7th August 2010.

meeting at Victoria Gardens next to Parliament every Saturday.

Within the Gorssed of Tot Hill Ancient place of Free Speech


Discussion Forum on the Future.

At the Climate Summit Copenhagen 2009 many International networks called for Peoples Assemblies to be set up throughout 2010 to discuss and take action for a sustainable future.

Start a People's Assembly in your area.

Network The Peoples Assembly (PA) on all the networks you can.

  • Meet at a chosen location regularly.(Location can move periodically as well.)

  • Form a big circle of people.

  • Introduction round- names of people and groups- items to put on the agenda- suggestions for smaller circles/working groups.

  • Choose a Facilitator and a notetaker.

  • Report back ideas from the previous meeting.

  • Have a focalised discussion on the agenda.

  • Break into smaller circles on different topics, mini meetings and a working groups

  • Feedback from all the small circles to the main circle

  • Type up notes and action points (who's going to do what and when)

  • Note well for clarity and focus alchohol should not be brought to the circle.

  • Plan an action.

  • Do the action (optional and can be done after the assembly for Peace, the environment ,local community etc this helps to keep the focus on action as well as discussions.)

All are Welcome at the Peoples Assemblies,it is an inclusive/non partisan and circular /non hierachical organising structure.

For a better future for all.

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